Sunday 6 December 2009

into December

Finally have the new PC up and running. Mesh completely let me down, and it looks like I may have had a narrow escape: I bought from them because I got my previous (very reliable) PC from them, but when I googled a bit further I found no end of complaints of slow delivery and poor service. That certainly was what I found when I tried to chase up the order, and eventually they tried to tell me that I needed to pay another £50 to get the computer because the spec had changed. Fortunately, I wasn't born yesterday, so I just got a refund instead. I bought a similar spec machine from World of Computers in Milton instead: I had the PC 2 days later, and if it goes wrong they are nearby, and appear to know what they are talking about.

Anyway, it's very nice: I like Win 7, and just generally having a lot more power and memory makes a big difference when using Photoshop for instance.

Other things: my school, Ridgefield Primary, will be looking for a new Head next year, so we as governors have to start planning for the process now: I'm currently drafting the information pack we'll be sending out, while others are looking at the job description and the advert (you have to place a print advert in a national publication, and that basically means the TES). I've also helped the school's IT co-ordinator produce a new website, and he's done a fantastic job.

Friday was H's birthday, but for various reasons we went out for lunch on Saturday instead. We went to Meze on Mill Road and some really nice Turkish food. It was the Winter Fair, so there were lots of people out - we saw the Samba band, but that was about as much as the girls wanted to do (L is a bit under the weather with a cold) so we came home after that.

Next week I may go down to London for work - see how things go.

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