Monday 3 May 2010

General catch up

Just wanted to catch up on some of the more mundane things that have been going on. I just finished Gene Wolfe's most recent novel An Evil Guest - I think I have similar mixed feelings about as the reviewers on Amazon. There are lots of interesting parts to it, and it moves at a fair clip, but it never quite gelled into anything consistent for me - it could have been a future noir detective story, but there are too many supernatural elements for that. Perhaps the idea is that the horror elements are meant to be concealed deep within the book, but then those aspects are never fully developed. I hate to say that I've gone off Wolfe, but this is certainly not his best work.

Earlier this weekend I was leafletting for the local LibDem candidate. I saw all the Cambridge candidates at a hustings a couple of weeks ago. I was pretty much going to vote Lib Dem anyway - partly because I like a lot of their policies, partly because they're the only local party that can beat Labour (and much as I thought Daniel Zeichner seemed pretty competent at the hustings, I disagreed with him on pretty much everything). I'm still pretty disappointed at the way the parties are concealing the cuts we're going to need to get out from under the deficit though. That's if there isn't some kind of sovereign debt crisis in the meantime - there was a fantastic Paul Mason post on this the other day.

Before that we were appointing a new head teacher for Ridgefield Primary (where I'm a governor). It was very interesting being on the selection panel, and I was impressed with both the candidates we saw. Obviously I can't say anything about the details, but I'm happy that we made the right choice, and I really think the new head will be able to make a difference to the school.

What else? I just started Tai Chi at the Cambridge Buddhist Centre - only had one session so far, but it was enjoyable (although I need some kind of light weight shoe - my trainers are too heavy, but if I don't wear them my feet get cold and cramp up!) and it's something I really want to get into more.

I shall try to get back into a more regular posting habit again. I can feel various thoughts in the back of my mind but that's enough for now.

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