Sunday 21 August 2011

Long gap

Haven't posted here for a long time, but I guess blogging is so 00's now anyway. I do have a few thoughts for posts just to catch up on things we've done that might be of interest to a few other people.

Interesting to read the last post where I wasn't sure what I wanted out of the year. Honestly it's continued like that right up to now. That's not to say I haven't managed to do anything, but it's been a constant struggle of being up and down.

The thing that's really hung over me, and that's only really just shifted is to get mum and dad's estate wrapped up. However, we have now finally sold the house, so it does feel like that's coming to a close, which is a good feeling, but with quite a strong component of sadness. That has prompted me to have another go through their old photos and family docs to try to get them to some more useable state - I do want to do some family history research at some point. I have quite good family trees on both sides, but I also have a _lot_ of completely unidentified photos. There are some fantastic ones going right back to the late 19th Century, so I would love to be able to put some names to faces in there.

Main "events" of the year so far:
  • I had my 40th birthday, which I actually really enjoyed. We had a great party at our house, and so far I'm enjoying being in my 5th decade.
  • Went to London with the girls for a few days and saw the sights. We stayed in Greenwich, not so far from where H and I used to live when we were in London. I was going to post on good and bad points from this trip.
  • H has been accepted onto her MPhil course at Cambridge university, so that's going to be a bit of an adjustment for us all. The girls have been trying out the after school club during the holidays and they really like it, so hopefully it won't be too much of a shock for them.
  • Went up to the Lake District for a week at the end of July. We stayed in Ambleside - weather was really great, and it was a lovely week. Lots of good places to eat in Ambleside itself, and we managed to do some interesting walks and days out. Again, will post some links for that.
That's all for now, will try to write a bit more regularly in the next few weeks.

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