Saturday 27 December 2008

Furthermore: January 2005

January 26, 2005

Grand Arcade

I just saw the Grand Arcade project website the other day. If you hunt within it, you can find some pictures of what the new mall will look like when it’s finished.

Nine Wells

I discovered this site the other day, which has a variety of walks around Cambridge. Since I’d recently been reading about Hobsons Conduit, I decided to do the Nine Wells walk as a run. I enjoyed it (although my right knee started playing up - probably a sign I need new trainers) and it looks like I can extend the run by going up the hill past Nine Wells towards Shelford.

January 24, 2005

Ancient Cartoon

I’m hoping to do a some new cartoons, but as everything in my life is currently undergoing tiny-baby chaos, I thought I should at least put down a marker for my efforts. I have a few of these old ones, which reflect being a maths student when the Farside was very popular. Not sure what new cartoons might look like yet.

But which was the donut, the topologist was no longer sure.

January 19, 2005

New Baby

The reason I’ve not really managed to blog anything for a while is that Mrs Freestone and I just had our second baby, Eleanor. She’s just starting to go crazy in the baby carrier strapped to my chest as I write this so it looks like I’m not going to get anything more done this evening either.

Piccy for those who are interested.

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