Tuesday 3 March 2009

Moving Earth and Being Human

I am now the proud possessor of a raised bed, having spent most of the afternoon filling it with soil. Annoyingly, I overestimated how much I needed, and now have about a third of a tonne-bag left over, although I can probably use it in other parts of the garden. Finally we can start planting - the girls have been keen to help with the construction, and I think they will like helping with picking things to grow too.

Just re-read William Gibson's Neuromancer after a very long time (my booklist says I read Count Zero in April 87, so it was before that). Oddly, I could remember hardly any of the plot - the things that stuck with me were really the mental images of cyberspace, the AIs, and Molly of course. The description of cyberspace still seems quite contemporary, provided you think of it as a "cinematic" way of portraying the actual experience of interacting with computer networks. The parts that seem more futuristic are the bio-tech modifications - something that I don't think I noticed much at the time.

Anyway, I'm off to watch the last bit of Being Human on IPlayer. I've really enjoyed the series, and I think it's something of a tribute to the writers that it survived the cast changes and transition from one-off to series. It's also managed to steer clear of huge morass of cliches just waiting for any series that mixes ghosts, vampires and werewolves. Although I still don't believe Mitchell would not have realised what Herrick's plan implied for humanity.

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