Saturday 18 April 2009

Furthermore: November 2008

November 19, 2008

ORG Founding Thousand Badge

Hey, it’s nice to be recognised. I will eventually get this pasted into the sidebar when I get round to fettling the blog a bit.

November 9, 2008

Long Past Time

Not sure what makes me want to post again after so long. I find myself remembering quite a few things I’ve done, but not blogged or recorded, so it seems like I’ll forget about them. One of the things I like about the blog is looking back to see what I was doing at different points in the past.

So on Saturday I took the girls to Ely fireworks in the evening. H was feeling a bit ill so didn’t come along. We were going to meet up with some friends but a combination of bad mobile reception, darkness, and crowds meant we couldn’t find each other. Ella found the evening a bit wearing - too long stood around before the fireworks started. She did enjoy them - and her descriptions of the sounds were very impressive - she said some sounded like bubble wrap, or people crunching on gravel. L enjoyed them too, and it was a good evening generally.

Working back in time a bit, let me think - we had half term week off and went up to Lincoln to visit my parents. We stayed at the Hillcrest Hotel again for 2 nights. It’s friendly, the food was good, and you can borrow a baby-listener to just keep tabs on the girls so we could eat dinner as a couple - the hotel dining room is at the top of a hill looking out onto a park and the city, so it’s a beatiful place to eat.

Before that, hmm, I went to India for a week - I was in Pune for work. Very interesting trip - the most jarring thing in some ways was the way the city seems not to be planned to any great extent, with different types of business and residential use thrown together without the largely invisible guiding hand that makes British cities look coherent.

Anything else - I went to see Morrissey play at Hyde Park. It was a one day mini-festival, so there were lots of bands. I managed to get right to the front for Morrissey himself - it was a fantastic gig. I do feel it rather made up for the very poor concert I went to of his when I was around 18 - only had to wait till my thirties for another chance.

That’ll do for now - I’m going to go and watch Stephen Fry in a few minutes.

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